Number |
Scale |
04 |
Tannheimer Tal |
1:35.000 |
09 |
1:25.000 |
9 |
1:50.000 |
24 |
1:50.000 |
25 |
1:50.000 |
026 |
1:25.000 |
26 |
1:50.000 |
027 |
1:35.000 |
28 |
1:50.000 |
029 |
1:30.000 |
29 |
1:50.000 |
35 |
1:50.000 |
036 |
1:30.000 |
36 |
1:50.000 |
037 |
1:25.000 |
37 |
1:50.000 |
042 |
1:25.000 |
42 |
1:50.000 |
43 |
1:50.000 |
83 |
1:50.000 |
Number |
Austria, Vorarlberg |
Scale |
2 |
Bregenzerwald |
1:50.000 |
21 |
Feldkirch - Vaduz |
1:50.000 |
032 |
1:25.000 |
32 |
1:50.000 |
33 |
1:50.000 |
41 |
1:50.000 |
Number |
Austria, Salzburg-Land |
Scale |
15 |
1:50.000 |
017 |
1:35.000 |
17 |
1:50.000 |
018 |
1:25.000 |
18 |
1:50.000 |
19 |
1:50.000 |
020 |
1:25.000 |
20 |
1:50.000 |
030 |
1:35.000 |
30 |
1:50.000 |
031 |
1:25.000 |
31 |
1:50.000 |
38 |
1:50.000 |
39 |
1:50.000 |
040 |
Bad Gastein - Bad Hofgastein - Dorfgastein |
1:35.000 |
40 |
Gasteiner Tal - Goldberggruppe |
1:50.000 |
67 |
Lungau - Radstädter Tauern |
1:50.000 |
68 |
1:50.000 |
80 |
St. Johann / Salzburger Land - Großarltal - Kleinarltal - Hochkönig -Tennengebirge |
1:50.000 |
Kärnten |
50 |
Nationalpark Hohe Tauern (3 part map set / 3-teiliges Karten-Set) |
1:50.000 |
Kompass produce a range of maps including walking / hiking maps of several countries. They also produce road maps, city maps and panorama maps. The walking maps (Wanderkarten) are produced in paper and digital (CD/DVD) formats and cover the resorts and surrounding areas. Where the map covers more than one country it is listed under the country with the largest area e.g. Germany or Switzerland. Not all maps are listed. The indexes to some of the maps are below. Click on the links in the indexes for more details on that map.
Kompass paper maps come folded in a plastic wallet with a small book.
Kompass Paper Maps - Index covering resort by country / areas (below)
Kompass Paper Maps - Index covering resort with area map (new page)
Kompass Paper Maps - Complete Index (new page)
Kompass digital maps allow you to view the map on a PC, print sections out, plot tracks and waymarks and transfer them to and from GPS receivers. Most also allow you to view the terrain in 3D and “fly” along your track.
Kompass Digital Maps Index (below)
Kompass Digital Map Details (new page)
This list is believed to be correct, but there may be some current maps missing or some out of print.
Number |
Scale |
84 |
1:50.000 |
98 |
1:50.000 |
In most cases the map number indicates the map scale. If there is no leading zero the map scale is 1:50000.
If there is a zero in front it indicates a smaller of larger scale. There are a few maps that do not follow this rule.
There are nine provinces (Bundesländer) in Austria. Kompass produce eight digital maps for them.
ISBN Barcode |
Number |
All of Austria |
9783854916291 |
GPS 4309 |
ISBN Barcode |
Number |
Austrian Provinces (Bundesländer) |
9783854916451 |
GPS 4290 |
9783854916437 |
K 4291 |
9783854919957 |
GPS 4292 |
9783854919384 |
GPS 4293 |
9783854916413 |
GPS 4294 |
9783854912545 |
GPS 4295 |
9783854916307 |
GPS 4296 |
9783854919841 |
GPS 4297 |
ISBN Barcode |
Number |
Austria |
9783854912460 |
GPS 4001 |
9783854916826 |
GPS 4004 |
9783854912644 |
GPS 4018 |
Salzkammergut Nord |
9783854916543 |
GPS 4025 |
9783854912538 |
GPS 4026 |
9783854912750 |
GPS 4032 |
9783854914174 |
GPS 4043 |
9783854912668 |
GPS 4066 |
9783854912675 |
GPS 4070 |
9783854912552 |
GPS 4221 |
9783854914426 |
GPS 4334 |
ISBN Barcode |
Number |
Germany |
9783854919568 |
GPS 4003 |
9783854912781 |
GPS 4187 |
9783854912798 |
GPS 4191 |
9783850260480 |
GPS 4252 |
Berlin / Brandenburg |
9783850260497 |
GPS 4253 |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
9783850262453 |
GPS 4254 |
Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg 3D |
9783850262460 |
GPS 4258 |
Saarland 3D |
9783850262477 |
GPS 4370 |
Bayern 3D |
9783854916277 |
GPS 4371 |
9783850260503 |
GPS 4372 |
9783850261616 |
GPS 4450 |
Harz 3D |
9783850262484 |
GPS 4460 |
Rhön 3D |
9783854912828 |
GPS 4701 |
9783854913092 |
GPS 4705 |
9783854912705 |
GPS 4737 |
9783854913108 |
GPS 4750 |
9783854914303 |
GPS 4770 |
9783854914150 |
GPS 4804 |
9783854912804 |
GPS 4837 |
9783854916352 |
GPS 4850 |
9783854914181 |
GPS 4852 |
9783854916369 |
GPS 4853 |
9783854914112 |
GPS 4854 |
ISBN Barcode |
Number |
Switzerland |
9783850261494 |
GPS 4312 |
Schweiz 3D |
ISBN Barcode |
Number |
Italy |
9783854916567 |
GPS 4044 |
9783854916598 |
GPS 4052 |
9783854914242 |
GPS 4056 |
9783850261692 |
GPS 4091 |
Lago di Como, Lago di Lugano 3D |
9783854913115 |
GPS 4102 |
9783854916314 |
GPS 4331 |
9783854912699 |
GPS 4650 |
Elba - Isola d’Elba |
ISBN Barcode |
Number |
Mediterranean |
9783854912101 |
GPS 4230 |
9783854912811 |
GPS 4235 |
9783854912217 |
GPS 4239 |
Ibiza - Eivissa |
9783854912255 |
GPS 4243 |
9783850260466 |
GPS 4250 |
Balearen - Illes Balears |
ISBN Barcode |
Number |
Atlantic |
9783854914259 |
GPS 4231 |
9783854912170 |
GPS 4232 |
9783854912187 |
GPS 4233 |
Teneriffa - Tenerife |
9783854917168 |
GPS 4234 |
9783854912194 |
GPS 4237 |
9783854912224 |
GPS 4240 |
9783854912231 |
GPS 4241 |
9783854912248 |
GPS 4242 |
9783850260473 |
GPS 4251 |
Kanarische Inseln 3D Islas Canarias |
German Name |
English Name |
Niederösterreich |
Lower Austria |
Oberösterreich |
Upper Austria |
Tirol - Nordtirol & Osttirol |
Tyrol |
Salzburg |
Salzburg |
Steiermark |
Styria |
Kärnten |
Carinthia |
Burgenland |
Burgenland |
Vorarlberg |
Vorarlberg |
Wein |
Vienna |
Click on the links below for more information. For maps without links copy the ISBN Barcode and use the Amazon search boxes on the left. For information about how English speaking Customers can order from Amazon Germany, click here.
This is a list of the Kompass paper maps that cover the resorts.
Click here for a complete index of Kompass paper Walking Maps.
Number |
Scale |
52 |
1:50.000 |
Number |
Scale |
5 |
1:50.000 |
14 |
1:50.000 |
16 |
1:50.000 |
182 |
1:50.000 |
794 |
1:25.000 |
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