Satellite Dish & Receiver Installation How to install a motorised satellite dish and receiver. The idea of installing a fixed satellite dish, let alone a motorised dish, may seem a bit daunting but by using this guide a lot of the problems should disappear.
Chipset Fan How to replace the mainboard chipset fan. The original fan in the nforce chipset heatsink on the ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe mainboard is noisy and prone to failure, which can result in data corruption and possible mainboard damage. This section shows how to remove the original chipset fan heatsink and replace it with a passive Zalman heatsink.
Graphic Card Cooling - Replacing the heatsink / fan on a ASUS 6600 GT Video Graphic Card with a Vantec Iceberq 5 cooler.
CPU Cooling - Replacing the heatsink / fan on the ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe mainboard with an Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro CPU cooler.
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