This is a list of Kompass walking paper maps (Jan 2011).They cover a number of countries in Europe and the Mediterranean. Most of them are stocked by Amazon although each map may not be available from each Amazon store. Amazon Germany has the widest range but the other Amazon stores have a good selection. You can buy from any Amazon store - check the price and post & packing. For information about how English speaking Customers can order from Amazon Germany, click here.
For maps from Kompass and other publishers covering one of the resorts on this site, visit the resort map page for a list of maps with a picture of the area covered, or click the title with links in the list below to find out more details.
Use the Amazon search boxes with the ISBN Barcode to find out if they are stocked and other details. For example to find 730 Baltrum im Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer enter the ISBN Barcode 9783854911487
Kompass also produce a range of digital maps that allow you to view the map on a PC, print sections out, plot tracks and waymarks and transfer them to and from GPS receivers. Most also allow you to view the terrain in 3D and “fly” along your track. Kompass Digital Maps
ISBN Barcode |
Scale |
9783854910909 |
235 Malta, Gozo |
1:25000 |
9783854913047 |
693 Isole Eólie o Lìpari / Liparische Inseln |
1:25000 |
ISBN Barcode |
Scale |
Istrien |
9783854911685 |
238 Istrien / Istra / Istria |
1:75000 |
9783850261371 |
2900 Kroatien - Dalmatinische Küste (3 part set / 3-teiliges Karten-Set) |
1:100000 |
9783850261388 |
2901 Dalmatinische Küste Nord, Ǩrk, Cres, Lošinj, Rab, Pag, Zadar |
1:100000 |
9783850261395 |
2902 Dalmatinische Küste Mitte, Šibenik, Split, Brač, Hvar, Korčula, |
1:100000 |
9783850261401 |
2903 Dalmatinische Küste Süd, Dubrovnik, Kotor, Ulcinj, |
1:100000 |
ISBN Barcode |
Scale |
Spanisches Festland |
9783850261500 |
133 Spanischer Jakobsweg, Fernwanderweg |
1:100000 |
Canary Islands / Kanarische Inseln |
9783854910152 |
231 La Gomera |
1:30000 |
9783854910299 |
232 La Palma |
1:50000 |
9783854910381 |
233 Teneriffa |
1:50000 |
9783854911142 |
237 Gran Canaria |
1:50000 |
9783854911746 |
240 Fuerteventura |
1:50000 |
9783854911753 |
241 Lanzarote |
1:50000 |
9783854911944 |
242 El Hierro |
1:30000 |
Balearic / Balearen |
9783854918707 |
230 Mallorca |
1:75000 |
9783854914471 |
230GB Mallorca englisch / English |
1:75000 |
9783854911739 |
239 Ibiza, Formentera |
1:50000 |
9783854912453 |
243 Menorca |
1:50000 |
ISBN Barcode |
Scale |
9783854918271 |
244 Kreta |
1:140000 |
9783850260282 |
246 Naxos |
1:50000 |
9783850260299 |
247 Santorin |
1:25000 |
9783850265003 |
248 Rhodos |
1:50000 |
9783850261067 |
249 Mykonos |
1:35000 |
9783850261074 |
251 Paros - Antiparos |
1:35000 |
9783850261081 |
252 Kos, Südliche Dodekanes |
1:50000 |
9783850261098 |
253 Samos, Nördliche Dodekanes |
1:50000 |
ISBN Barcode |
Scale |
9783854913702 |
2100 Vysoké Tatry - Hohe Tatra |
1:50000 |
9783854913719 |
2101 Nízke Tatry - Chopok / Niedere Tatra - Chopok |
1:50000 |
9783854913726 |
2102 Nízke Tatry - Král’ova hol’a / Niedere Tatra - Král’ova hol’a |
1:50000 |
9783854913733 |
2103 Slovenský raj - Slowakisches Paradies |
1:50000 |
9783854913740 |
2130 Vysoké Tatry - Hohe Tatra |
1:25000 |
9783854913757 |
2131 Západné Tatry - Westliche Tatra |
1:25000 |
9783854914280 |
2132 Nízke Tatry - Niedere Tatra |
1:25000 |
9783854913764 |
2133 Slovenský raj - Slowakisches Paradies |
1:25000 |
ISBN Barcode |
Scale |
Böhmen und Mähren |
9783850261302 |
2000 Böhmerwald / Šumava, 2 part set / 2-teiliges mit Naturführer |
1:50000 |
9783854919582 |
2018 Marienbad und Umgebung |
1:50000 |
9783854919605 |
2020 Böhmerwald, Eisenstein |
1:50000 |
9783854919643 |
2024 Böhmerwald, Stausee Lipno |
1:50000 |
9783854919889 |
2048 Lausitzer Gebirge |
1:50000 |
9783854919902 |
2050 Isergebirge |
1:50000 |
9783854919933 |
2052 Böhmisches Paradies |
1:50000 |
9783850260527 |
2080 Böhmerwald, Eisenstein / Šumava, Železnorudsko |
1:50000 |
9783850261319 |
2081 Böhmerwald, Dreiländereck / Šumava, Trojmezí |
1:50000 |
9783850261326 |
2082 Böhmerwald, Moldaustausee / Šumava, Vodní nádr Lipno |
1:50000 |
9783850264501 |
2083 Böhmisch-Sächsische Schweiz / Českosaské, Švýcarsko |
1:50000 |
9783850262125 |
2084 Lausitzer Gebirge / Luožické hory |
1:50000 |
9783850262132 |
2085 Isergebirge / Jizerské hory |
1:50000 |
9783850261333 |
2086 Böhmisches Paradies / Český ráj |
1:50000 |
9783850260596 |
2087 Riesengebirge / Krkonoše |
1:50000 |
9783850260602 |
2089 Beskiden / Beskydy |
1:50000 |
Maps below may only be available in the Czech Republic |
9783854919513 |
2011 Krušné hory východ |
1:50000 |
9783854919537 |
2013 Krušné hory stred |
1:50000 |
9783854919551 |
2015 Krušné hory západ |
1:50000 |
9783854919759 |
2035 Praha západ |
1:50000 |
9783854919773 |
2037 Praha východ |
1:50000 |
9783854919797 |
2039 Strední Povltaví |
1:50000 |
9783854919810 |
2041 Posázaví |
1:50000 |
9783854919858 |
2045 Ceské Stredohorí |
1:50000 |
9783854919964 |
2055 Brno sever |
1:50000 |
9783854919391 |
2061 Brno jih |
1:50000 |
9783854918363 |
2071 Podyjí – Znojemsko |
1:50000 |
9783854918387 |
2073 Podyjí |
1:50000 |
This list is believed to be correct, but there may be some current maps missing or some out of print.
SCALE: Most are 1:50000 but there are also a range of smaller and larger scales.
ISBN Barcode |
Scale |
9783854912293 |
064 Julische Alpen / Alpi Giulie - Nationalpark Triglav / Parco nazionale del Triglav-Bled |
1:25000 |
9783850261340 |
2801 Julische Alpen - Steiner Alpen |
1:75000 |
9783850261357 |
2802 Marburg, Murgebiet, Drautal / Maribor, Pomurje, Dravska dolina |
1:75000 |
9783850261364 |
2803 Triest, Laibach, Slowenische Küste / Trst, Ljubljana, Slovenska obala / Trieste, Lubiana, Costa slovena |
1:75000 |
ISBN Barcode |
Scale |
9783850266178 |
2202 Luxemburg, 2-teiliges set mit Naturführer |
1:50000 |
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