ISBN Barcode |
Scale |
Around Lake Constance / Rund um den Bodensee |
9783854910008 |
1a Bodensee West |
1:50000 |
9783854910015 |
1b Bodensee Ost |
1:50000 |
9783854910022 |
1c Bodensee Gesamtgebiet (whole of lake) |
1:75000 |
9783850266147 |
11 Bodensee, 2-teiliges set mit Naturführer |
1:50000 |
9783854914129 |
120 Europäischer Fernwanderweg E5 Nord |
1:50000 |
Vorarlberg |
9783854910039 |
2 Bregenzerwald, Westallgäu |
1:50000 |
9783854910237 |
21 Feldkirch, Vaduz |
1:50000 |
9783854916147 |
1:25000 |
9783850264655 |
1:50000 |
9783854910374 |
1:50000 |
9783854910473 |
1:50000 |
9783850261487 |
292 Vorarlberg (2 part set with nature guide / 2-teiliges Karten-Set mit Naturführer) |
1:50000 |
Tirol: Arlberg bis zum Wilden Kaiser |
9783854916444 |
04 Tannheimer Tal |
1:35000 |
9783854910077 |
1:50000 |
9783854910121 |
1:25000 |
9783850264648 |
1:50000 |
9783854910251 |
1:50000 |
9783854910268 |
1:50000 |
9783854910282 |
1:25000 |
9783854910275 |
1:50000 |
9783850264495 |
1:35000 |
9783850265430 |
1:50000 |
9783854910312 |
1:50000 |
9783850262545 |
34 Tuxer Alpen, Inntal, Wipptal, Zillertal |
1:50000 |
9783854910398 |
1:50000 |
9783854910411 |
1:35000 |
9783854910404 |
1:50000 |
9783854915614 |
1:25000 |
9783850265188 |
1:50000 |
9783854916000 |
1:25000 |
9783850265423 |
1:50000 |
9783854910497 |
1:50000 |
9783854910923 |
1:50000 |
9783850266628 |
132 Tiroler Höhenweg / Alta Via Tiroler Höhenweg |
1:50000 |
9783850261104 |
290 Innsbruck, Rund um / Around (2 part set with nature guide / 2-teiliges Karten-Set mit Naturführer) |
1:50000 |
Osttirol (Tirol) |
9783850264594 |
1:50000 |
9783850266598 |
45 Defereggental, Villgratental |
1:50000 |
9783850264983 |
46 Matrei in Osttirol, Kals am Großglockner |
1:50000 |
9783850264587 |
47 Lienzer Dolomiten, Lesachtal, Karnischer Höhenweg |
1:50000 |
9783854911821 |
48 Lienz, Schobergruppe, Nationalpark Hohe Tauern |
1:50000 |
Salzburger Land / Salzkammergut (Salzburg, Oberösterreich) |
9783850265324 |
1:50000 |
9783850265201 |
1:25000 |
9783854910206 |
1:50000 |
9783854913771 |
1:25000 |
9783854910213 |
18 Nördliches Salzkammergut, Wolfgangsee, Attersee, Traunsee |
1:50000 |
9783854912613 |
1:50000 |
9783854914341 |
1:25000 |
9783854910220 |
20 Dachstein, Südliches Salzkammergut, Ausseerland, Bad Goisern, Hallstatt |
1:50000 |
9783854912378 |
1:35000 |
9783850265218 |
1:50000 |
9783854916680 |
1:25000 |
9783854910343 |
1:50000 |
9783854910435 |
1:50000 |
9783850264662 |
040 Bad Gastein, Bad Hofgastein, Dorfgastein |
1:35000 |
9783854910459 |
40 Gasteiner Tal, Goldberggruppe |
1:50000 |
9783854910763 |
67 Lungau, Radstädter Tauern |
1:50000 |
9783854910770 |
1:50000 |
9783854910893 |
80 St. Johann / Salzburger Land, Großarltal, Kleinarltal, Hochkönig, Tennengebirge |
1:50000 |
9783850261050 |
229 Salzkammergut (2 part set with Panorama and nature guide / |
1:50000 |
9783850261111 |
291 Salzburg, Rund um / Around (2 part set with nature guide / 2-teiliges Karten-Set mit Naturführer) |
1:50000 |
9783850262118 |
293 Dachsteingruppe, Schladminger Tauern (3-teiliges Karten-Set mit Naturführer) |
1:25000 |
Kärnten |
9783854910565 |
49 Nationalpark Hohe Tauern Süd, Mallnitz, Mölltal, Maltatal |
1:50000 |
9783854917205 |
50 Nationalpark Hohe Tauern (3 part map set / 3-teiliges Karten-Set) |
1:50000 |
9783850265232 |
060 Weissensee |
1:25000 |
9783850265195 |
60 Gailtaler Alpen, Karnische Alpen, Oberdrautal |
1:50000 |
9783854912620 |
061 Wörthersee, Klagenfurt |
1:25000 |
9783854910688 |
61 Wörthersee, Karawanken West |
1:50000 |
9783854917045 |
062 Villach, Faaker See |
1:25000 |
9783854917038 |
62 Ossiacher See, Feldkirchen in Kärnten |
1:25000 |
9783854910701 |
063 Bad Kleinkirchheim, Nationalpark Nockberge |
1:25000 |
9783850265317 |
63 Millstätter See, Nockgebiet |
1:50000 |
9783850264990 |
064 Julische Alpen / Alpi Giulie, Nationalpark Triglav / Parco Nazionale del Triglav-Bled |
1:25000 |
9783854910718 |
64 Villacher Alpe, Untedrautal |
1:50000 |
9783854910749 |
065 Klopeiner See, Bad Eisenkappel |
1:25000 |
9783854910732 |
65 Klopeiner See, Karawanken Ost |
1:50000 |
9783854918257 |
066 Millstätter See |
1:25000 |
9783854910756 |
66 Nationalpark Region Nockberge, Liesertal |
1:50000 |
9783850260336 |
214 Feldkirchen, Gurk, Friesach |
1:50000 |
9783850261340 |
2801 Julische Alpen, Steiner Alpen |
1:75000 |
9783850261357 |
2802 Marburg, Murgebiet, Drautal / Maribor, Pomurje, Dravska dolina |
1:75000 |
East Alps / Im Osten der Alpen: Wien, Graz, Linz (Wien, Steiermark, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Burgenland) |
9783850262088 |
22 Mariazell, Ötscher, Erlauftal, |
1:25000 |
9783850262590 |
23 Pölstal |
1:50000 |
9783854910787 |
69 Gesäuse, Pyhrn, Eisenerz |
1:50000 |
9783850264952 |
70 Nationalpark Kalkalpen, Ennstal, Steyrtal, Pyhrn-Priel-Region |
1:50000 |
9783854916529 |
201 Innviertel, Hausruckwald (2 part map set with nature guide / 2-teiliges Karten-Set mit Naturführer) |
1:50000 |
9783854916550 |
202 Mühlviertel, Linz, Wels, Steyr (2 part map set with nature guide / 2-teiliges Karten-Set |
1:50000 |
9783854916604 |
203 Waldviertel, Kamptal, Wachau (2 part map set with nature guide / 2-teiliges Karten-Set |
1:50000 |
9783854916659 |
204 Weinviertel (2 part map set with nature guide / 2-teiliges Karten-Set mit Naturführer) |
1:50000 |
9783854916666 |
205 Wien und Umgebung (2 part map set with nature guide / 2-teiliges Karten-Set mit Naturführer) |
1:50000 |
9783854913603 |
206 Nationalpark Gesäuse |
1:25000 |
9783854911159 |
207 Wachau, Nibelungengau |
1:50000 |
9783850262095 |
208 Wienerwald, 2-teiliges mit Naturführer, |
1:25000 |
9783854914198 |
209 Wienerwald |
1:50000 |
9783854915522 |
210 Wiener Hausberge, Schneeberg, Rax, Semmering |
1:50000 |
9783850266772 |
211 Nationalpark Donau-Auen, Wien, Bratislava, Neusiedl am See |
1:50000 |
9783854915638 |
212 Hochschwab, Mariazell, Eisenwurzen |
1:50000 |
9783850260329 |
213 Pielachtal, Traisental, St. Pölten |
1:50000 |
9783854911166 |
215 Neusiedler See |
1:50000 |
9783854918301 |
216 Steirisches Thermenland |
1:50000 |
9783854915799 |
217 Südsteirisches Weinland |
1:35000 |
9783854917410 |
219 Lavanttal, Saualpe, Koralpe |
1:50000 |
9783854918653 |
221 Grazer Bergland |
1:50000 |
9783850260343 |
222 Sölktaler, Ennstal, Murau |
1:50000 |
9783850260350 |
223 Seckauer Alpen, Murtal, Gleinalm |
1:50000 |
9783854914037 |
224 Steirisches Weinland, Stainz, Sausal,Sulmtal, Leibnitz |
1:50000 |
9783854918660 |
225 Steirisches Hügel- und Vulkanland |
1:50000 |
9783854916802 |
226 Joglland |
1:50000 |
9783854916512 |
227 Burgenland (2 part map set with nature guide / 2-teiliges Karten-Set mit Naturführer) |
1:50000 |
9783850262101 |
228 Wiener Hausberge, Schneeberg, Rax, 2-teiliges mit Naturführer |
1:25000 |
9783850262118 |
293 Dachsteingruppe, Schladminger Tauern |
1:25000 |
This list is believed to be correct, but there may be some current maps missing or some out of print.
Updated April 2013
SCALE: Most are 1:50000 but there are also a range of smaller and larger scales.
This is a list of Kompass walking paper maps. They cover a number of countries in Europe and the Mediterranean. Most of them are stocked by Amazon although each map may not be available from each Amazon store. Amazon Germany has the widest range but the other Amazon stores have a good selection. You can buy from any Amazon store - check the price and post & packing. For information about how English speaking Customers can order from Amazon Germany, click here.
For maps from Kompass and other publishers covering one of the resorts on this site, visit the resort map page for a list of maps with a picture of the area covered, or click the title with links in the list below to find out more details.
Use the Amazon boxes on the left to take you to Amazon and then search with the ISBN Barcode to find out if they are stocked and other details. For example to find 061 Wörthersee – Klagenfurt enter the ISBN Barcode 9783854912620
Kompass also produce a range of digital maps that allow you to view the map on a PC, print sections out, plot tracks and waymarks and transfer them to and from GPS receivers. Most also allow you to view the terrain in 3D and “fly” along your track. Kompass Digital Maps
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