Lat 47.59 N; Long 12.16 E;
Altitude: 495 m. Postcode: A-6330
Kufstein is in the Tirol (Tyrol) region of Austria and lies on the east bank of the Inn river. Kufstein is north of Söll near the Wilder Kaiser and the Hohe Salve mountains.
There are a number of villages near Kufstein (Bad Häring, Ebbs, Erl, Langkampfen, Niederndorf, Niederndorferberg, Schwoich, Thierseetal) that together with Kufstein form the “Ferienland Kufstein”.
The town of Wörgl lies to the south west, and the villages of of Söll, Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser, Ellmau, and Going am Wilden Kaiser are to the south and south east of Kufstein.
This diagrammatic map is a guide to where Kufstein is in relation to the nearby resorts, roads, lakes and mountains etc.
Not to scale and not all details are shown.
Kufstein Interactive Map
Kufstein Diagrammatic Map
WK 9
Wanderkarte Kufstein, Kaisergebirge, Kitzbühel
freytag & berndt
WK 301
Wanderkarte - Brixental, Wörgl, Kitzbühel
freytag & berndt
WK 302
Wilder Kaiser, Going, Ellmau, Scheffau, Söll
Kufstein, Walchsee, St. Johann in Tirol
WK 09
These are some of the paper maps that cover the area.
Note: The area or resort may be on the edge of some maps.
The pictures show the approximate area covered. The maps are different scales and the size (of paper) also varies.
Left click over the map to move the area shown.
The Kompass range of digital maps allow you to view the map on a PC, print sections out, plot tracks and waymarks and transfer them to and from GPS receivers. You can zoom into a maximum map scale of 1:10000. Most also allow you to view the terrain and your track and photos in 3D and to “fly” along your track. Some also include a search function for locations, huts, summits.
These are some of the digital maps that cover the area. More Kompass Digital Maps
Note: The area or resort may be on the edge of some maps.
The pictures show the approximate area covered.
Tirol 3D digital
This Kompass map covers the Austrian province of Tyrol; (Tirol - Nordtirol & Osttirol)
Österreich 3D digital
This Kompass digital map covers the whole of Österreich (Austria).
Other Kompass Maps Other mayr Maps Other freytag & berndt Maps Other Alpine Club Maps
Paper Maps
Digital Maps
Kufstein and the Inn river
Covers Kufstein, Wörgl, Söll, Ellmau, Scheffau, St Johann in Tirol.
Covers Kufstein, Wörgl, Söll, Ellmau, Scheffau, Kitzbühel, St Johann in Tirol, Westerndorf, Going, Hopfgarten, Oberau, Niederau.
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